My 2020 Round Up.
I woke up this morning with plans for a juicy blog post about what this year has been like for me from a business point of view. I wanted to talk to you about many things this year has brought and taken away from me as a business owner and to talk about how personal branding is more important than ever. And I will circle back to these topics, many, many times I can assure you.
But, I woke up exhausted and so decided to journal some thoughts down before I wrote this post and some words flowed out of me and I seem to be stuck for any more so I am guessing I need to say them out loud. So, my round up post this year is a little different, in that it’s a bit more personal than my usual vibe, a little messy and a little raw. Much like a lot of the moments this year.
I would like to thank my clients, friends and souls within my networking community for the moments of wonder, joy and support they’ve brought me this year. You’ll see some images taken by Ami of me on the very last day I was in London, back in March. And photos of the same route I’ve walked through Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter this year. And of course the incredible business women and families, I have had the honour to photograph throughout 2020.
So my last love note to you this year, my friends, is my rambles. Rambles and some of my personal favourite images from this year, for all three streams: my personal shots, my personal branding photography and
I am tired. I shouldn't be though right?
I have so many points on my gratitude list.
My privilege is loud.
Thing is, I am tired. My body, my mind and my soul
Of the same gripping fears, of the folks fighting tiers
Of the wine glass, the same walk, the endless social media scroll
The feeling of helplessness is tiring, knowing I’m so far, far away
Of experiencing the same culture, every god damn day
The same accent, the same faces, the same 4 walls, the same places
The inability to regulate.
Of the amplified need and responsibility to strive
To be ok with not being ok, for calm, for steps, for work, for strength
Of the ‘world is on fire’ jokes and being out of breath
The drop in your tummy as your mask floats to the dirty hospital floor
Desperate for a new one, as the germs float around your head
The search for the tired, strained trainee nurse who has collapsed on the foot of your bed
Daydream instead.
Of wheels touching down on dusty tar, through waves of heat
The Shona voice reminding you that you should stay in your seat.
The reverie only making you question with fear
When will you next really be home and who’ll still be here.
I am tired. But I really shouldn’t be.
My gratitude list is long and full of colour.
I look outside at the streets, uniforms of blue & green, rainbows of valour
So, if I am tired, you must be.
Just as tired or more so than me.
As we turn down the road sign posted 2021
I have quiet simmering hopes.
For fun.
Connection, and exploration
But the turn of the diary page doesn’t mean this is done.
Being tired is my expectation.
So, forgive me if I rest. If I sit and brood a while.
If I seem solemn in mood and slow to smile.
I don’t need to party; I do need to reset.
Stay home and rest. 2020 doesn’t seem like a ‘bonkers year’ but a period of time,
That is not over yet.